Out Now

Out Now
Secrets of a Secretary
by A.M. Bunny
The Secretary was a twenty something, long legged attractive woman whose naivety would get the better of her. She was exceptionally loyal to her bosses and her short-hand expertise enabled her to get the top jobs.
Her personal life was all but a disaster, with two marriages under her belt and numerous lovers she became a loner and trusted no-one. She was articulate, well mannered and when necessary opinionated, but most of the time kept her mouth shut. Behind closed doors she swore like a squaddie and could be as uncouth as the next man.
She was able to ingratiate herself with the higher echelons of society as well as the underworld. She learned the hard way. She assumed men loved her for being ‘her’. She was wrong they just wanted to sleep with her. Men became obsessed and paranoid about her, they wanted to know what she knew, but her loyalty to bosses was to keep secrets.
Known by her colleagues as a ‘Money Penny’ she started to use her life experience to her advantage. She became an expert at extracting information from people she was asked to keep an eye on and pass any necessary intelligence onto her bosses (some bad, some good and some indifferent)! Her rifle skills were excellent and there were times she wished she had a licence to kill!
She still uses her short-hand, smokes forty cigarettes a day and her ally is her swiss army pen knife.

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